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Effluent Treatment Plant – Processing and Advantages

Effluent Treatment Plant Manufacturer

· Water treatment

Effluent Treatment Plants are manufactured specifically for industry-purpose. This treatment plant purifies industrial waste water to make it suitable for reuse in various processes of industries. This waste water known as effluent contains variety of impurities depending on the type of industry. For example, effluent from automobile industries consists of heavy metals and food & beverages industries have degradable organic contaminants in their effluent. Industrial waste water is harder compared to domestic ones. Hence, its purification requires a specific technology respective of the industry type.

Effluent Treatment Plant Manufacturers design customized waste water treatment plants considering the kind of impurities present in the effluent.

Manufacturing industries like chemical, pharmaceuticals, textiles, dyes and ternary release waste water which is really harmful for the environment after discharge. It has become a social responsibility for these industries to keep the environment clean by using this waste water purified from Effluent treatment plant manufactured by specialists instead of releasing it in the environment.

Processing of Effluent Treatment Plant:

It works on different stages including primary treatment, cooling and mixing, Neutralization tank and co-agulant bath, settling tank and pressure-filter and carbon filtration:

Primary Treatment:

In this stage, effluent having heavy and light impurities is passed through primary filtration. This waste water is settled in a tank for hours in order to separate heavy impurities which are stuck in the sink of tank and light impurities which float at the surface of water by scrappers in the tank. Such way, solid waste contaminants get filtered.

Cooling and Mixing:

All types of effluents coming from various units are mixed at one place and with the help of motor they get cooled down.

Neutralization Tank:

In this tank, a Ph meter is set to test the neutralization. After cooling of effluent, it is directed in this tank and with the help of acids and alkalis, the effluent gets neutralized.

Co-agulant Bath:

After neutralizing it, a co-agulant is added in this stage to bath it.

Settling Tank:

After the above processes, the water is collected in a large size of tank. Impurities present in the water forms a sludge which gets settled in the lower level of this tank.

Pressure Filter:

At this stage, a fixed amount of pressure is exerted to the water for higher degree of filtration. The color of purified water starts getting neutral.

Carbon Filtration:

In this process, a carbon ball is kept in the tank which attracts the rest of impurities. After few hours this carbon ball is removed from the tank.

After passing through all the processes effluent gets safe to discharge or reuse.

Advantages of Effluent Treatment Plant:

  • The most significant advantage of this kind of plant is the purification of waste water which can be reused or discharged.
  • Such plants can be really economic for the industries as they minimize the use of fresh water in industries.
  • Industries can contribute their bit in protecting the environment by saving water bodies like rivers, ponds and lakes from pollutants.
  •  To follow the standards set by legal authorities, every industry must install such effluent treatment plants to stay safe from penalties.